Thursday, March 26, 2009

Finally some good news!

Such good news from Dr Hague today. As long my levels are good and consistent like they are right now, I might just be able to escape the dreadful insulin poke-about! Yay! And from now no more appointments with him. Just email him the recordings weekly. You, on the other hand dear baby, gave the doc a good kick when he pressed my uterus to check your position. You certainly have became a bit of a shocker now that you're bigger!

We have finally bought a cot. And some baby bath toiletries/essentials. Few nursing bras for Mommy, box of nursing pads and more size 0000 clothes for baby (to bring baby home to and pyjamas, Daddy's choice, mind you). We've also bought the mattress and tested Mama's homemade bedsheet on it. Unfortunately it doesn't fit - except for one - so I guess we're gonna have to get some new ones soon! We also got baby booties and mittens, baby grooming kit and ahem! Mommy's maternity pads.

Missing in the pictures are Mikey, Carissa, Raelene, Syad and Nurul.

Last weekend we had the baby shower! There were almost 20 guests around despite being very huge and waddling around, I managed 3 different types of mini cuppies, a mousse cake, spaghetti bolognaise, mini quiches and personalized cheesecake pops in champagne glasses with strawberry cheesecake cuppies as thank you gifts. Oh and barbeque chickens managed by Daddy.

Recipes for cuppies and pops can be found here!

Oh the next day was a surprise party for the beautiful Nadia at their crib.

I am definitely feeling heavier.
I heave myself around.
Huffing and puffing.
Grunting and grumbling.
Most times when we walk anywhere, chances are I'd be left 2 steps behind from Daddy. Sometimes he'd notice and turn back for me. Other times, he couldn't be bothered. Can't blame him though. After few attempts, I walk slower than a turtle. Literally. Mostly because baby's head is engaged and grinding down my pelvic bone. All the time! Yes, we're talking about you, baby.

Walking is actually waddling for me.
Sleeping on my back is not an option.
Heartburn, indigestion, nausea and heart palpatation is my best friend.

In the next few days we're gonna have to put that stroller on order! Together with breast pumps, monitors and bath essentials. By that time, I suppose I can relax and focus on more important stuff like.. err.. delivering the baby..? And labour pain!!

Baby car seat has been assembled soon-to-be attached in the car. Baby cot will be assembled tomorrow, if we have time or the day after. Tomorrow night is Diba's bday celebration so we're expecting people over. I'm marinating chicken for rendang, and making nasi impit and kuah kacang tomorrow.

I'm keeping myself busy. And occupied with other things in mind than freaking out about delivery and labour. If I don't have anything to do, yes, I'd turn green and stressing myself out crazy. Probably annoy the hell out of your Daddy too. So far, so good. By next week hopefully I'd be more relaxed and organized with baby preps.

p/s: whatever you do, baby.. please don't decide to come on Thurs nite.. it's my Grey's Anatomy night! Oh and Daddy adds, not on Monday nite either.. it's his Boston Legal nite.. pfft!

1 comment:

Miss BumbleBee said...

hola babe,

can u give me ur mailing address?
try to give a note kat FB but broadband is superslow to load the page :P.

take care hun.