Saturday, October 24, 2009


Your first food was pureed potatoes. Mommy mixed it with some breastmilk. It didn't take long for you to love the stuff. At first you gave such honest reaction to the food. It probably has such funny texture to it and realize that it is something you're allowed to swallow! After few attempts (4-5 baby teaspoons), you began to love it. You had teaspoons for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Mommy also hold a large piece of Chinese pears while you suck on it delightfully.

That night you had mild stomach-ache.

Yesterday you were asking for it. Without patience right after you gulped down your milk, you want that mushy potatoes. You had some for lunch and dinner. No fruits today and you probably had a little too much of potatoes. Because at night before bed you experienced more stomach-ache.

Mommy's thinking of sweet potatoes now.

Today was a big day for you. It was your immunisation shots. 2 shots and one oral (rotavirus). No solids today since you've turned very cranky after that doctor's visit. You just want Mommy's cuddles and no one else's. I didn't want to add stomach-pains to your misery.

Mommy truly hope tomorrow that sore muscle calms down so you can be yourself again.
Maybe tomorrow we shall try that sweet potato, sweetheart =)


atuk said...


wow dah nak masuk 2 ka?
lama betul xjumpa ko miza...

Miza said...

nak masuk dua!?

satu ni pun tak habis cerita lagi!
