Monday, February 9, 2009

Baby Care

Baby items purchased:
1 baby car seat
1 baby hospital bag
1 mommy hospital bag
5 size 0000 outfits (2 long sleeved in yellow, 1 short sleeved in white, 1 red and 1 blue sleeveless)
2 size 000 pants (yellow)
3 size 000 outfits (1 blue short sleeved, 1 yellow short sleeved and 1 green sleeveless)
2 size 00 overalls
1 hat
1 bunny rug
9 muslin cloths
2 bath towels
1 baby-cot throw (green)
1 quilt

To buy:
Baby toiletries - all kinds (shampoo, bath cream, cotton buds, lotions, powder, diapers, rash cream, colic relief, small pair of scissors, baby wipes, baby detergent, small comb etc)
Baby bath-tub - surveyed and chose, yet to be bought.
Baby crib - surveyed and chose, yet to be bought.
Baby mattress - surveyed and chose, yet to be bought.
Stroller - surveyed and chose, yet to be bought.
Baby carrier - surveyed and chose, yet to be bought.
Baby clothes - socks, shoes, mitts, more overalls, jackets/sweater and clothes.
Milking devices - bottles, pacifier, milk pumps etc
Baby Tommy Tipper - for dirty diapers
Nipple cream!
Baby monitor - ?
Nursing pads and bras

Phew! Anything else I missed?

I suppose you can say third trimester is when everything needs to be in place and start planning/packing labour bag and baby bag. 11 weeks doesn't sound too much longer. Though there are times it felt like forever! But we're getting there. First time mommy and daddy and so, so far away from our families, but we're getting there =) We're absorbing information and advice (solicited only but also keeping an eye on unsolicited ones) like a sponge now. Not much longer to go!


Diyanazman said...

these are just my experiences ( not unsolicited advice I hope) :p

1)those mittens and booties are quite important, babies scratches their own faces a lot- buy those now!
2) baby carrier can be bought later, we started to use ours when baby was 3 months
3)nipple cream - HARUS!
4)Mommy's hospital bag- better to be packed and ready as early as on the 7th month...

its very exciting isnt it? all the best to you! hugs***

Miza said...

Mittens + booties = check!
Baby carrier put in baby shower registry list lah mcm tu hehe!

Yep will need to start packing soon!

Thanks babe! xx