Saturday, August 29, 2009

First Period

Oh me oh my..

After more than a year of not having my period, yesterday it came and boy was I not prepared for it. Since I am still breastfeeding though not heavily, my period came very heavy. And I'm talking about every 2-3 hours soaked pad! Today's only the second day though but now I'm mentally prepared expecting heavy flows and longer periods. I remember Dr Chandler mentioned it is normal.

So dear baby, Mommy wished to have a full fasting month this year but unfortunately it didn't happen. Since we arrived in Msia, I've been mixing your feeds with formula. You did not take it well in the beginning. Then Mommy found out that you like your formula at room temperature. Not warm! With breastmilk, you don't mind it warm, cold or room temp but formula must be at room temp or you'd fight me from feeding the milk to you. Luckily Mommy have been feeding you breast milk with bottles since you're 6 weeks old so you have no problems with "nipple confusion". Only when you wake up in the middle of the night that Mommy put you to her chest so you'd sleep easily afterwards. Mommy has tried formula milk with you when you were younger. You made faces in the beginning of each feed but took it anyway. Then when you turned 3 months, you dislike it and won't drink it. Now you're accepting it well.

So baby, Mommy hope you'll take formula well when you turn 6 months. I'm pretty sure you will.

Til then!

1 comment:

Miss BumbleBee said...

there goes the hope for full puasa.

takpe... :)