Thursday, July 14, 2016

Birth Story

It is past midnight on Thursday and hopefully we get discharged today.

Since the last post, the morning after, I was having lots of cramps and contractions. Midwives shifts changes and Dr Simon came in to check on my progress. He checked baby's positioning and is not sure how you are located so ordered a scan. Then apologised and said there are 6 emergency babies this morning to attend to and will get back to us and get the catheter out. Daddy came around a little past 10am. They were supposed to remove catheter at 9.15am. Unfortunately didn't get to it until after 1pm. A few midwives came in and out checking on me and baby's heart rate. Then around 12pm some midwives had a feel of my abdomen and unsure your position.

The catheter was supposed to come out indicating I'm 4cm dilated. It didn't. Chances are, I didn't dilate. 12pm Dr Kathy came in to take out the catheter in between getting ready and prep. They took a while so when lunch came at 1pm, I ate. Around 1.30pm midwives deflates the balloons and Dr Kathy did a final ultrasound to check your position so she can break my waters. There was a huge space in my pelvic area and you were horizontal. It is very risky to break my waters because had your head engaged, your head will plug the cervix and hopefully contractions can begin.

So she very carefully explained my options. We can wait 2-3 days and come back to see if you're engaged, and try VBAC again. Or schedule an emergency caesarean section for later that day. We opted for the latter. No way I am waiting another 2-3 days for this!

Unfortunately because I had had lunch at 1pm and they need me fasting at least 6hrs prior to surgery, I had to wait. They said between 6-7pm. Turned out it was 10pm before they start prepping us up.

You were born at 10.50pm.
I had spinal block which is not so bad. But during the procedure I was so nervous and scared an felt quite uncomfortable when they pushed and tugged and pulled me around. And a sharp sensation on my chest.

3.12kg, 48cm. On a Saturday night.
You're so light! By the time we got to recovery, I just wanted to sleep. I was so tired and felt really annoyed. Strange. They tried putting you on me to start breastfeeding. You didn't seem interested.

By the time we got transferred to ward it was already 1am. Dad left by 1.30am.

First night was quite bad. We were admitted to Antenatal and Gynecology ward. After dad left I wasn't able to locate the nurse button. You woke up twice for feeds and one time I just let you sleep in my arms. You absolutely love it! You love skin to skin contact. You seem to search for my chest or my arm, nestled in and fell asleep almost instantly. I couldn't locate the nurse button. And I still have the catheter in so I am immobile. So when you cried for milk middle of the night, I pulled you by the cuff of your swaddle wrap and into my bed. Praying hard you will not fall through it. And even if you did, you'd land on my bed. But you didn't. Phew! You woke up twice and we went through it twice.

Next morning the midwife came and she apologised. Found the button call on the floor behind the bed. She said she wanted to take out my catheter but it looked bloody so asked me to drink more water and she'll come to check it again later. Physio lady came to talk about caring post surgery. I asked for the post surgery belly band and kept it in my bag.

Yvonne, Leslie and Ida came to visit around 1230pm. Leslie mentioned you looked a bit yellow. Midwife said they're gonna move us to the postnatal ward around 2pm. A little before 2pm my urine turned clearer and she took the catheter out. Moving from bed to wheelchair was painful. Moving from wheelchair to new bed was also a nightmare. I don't know why it's super sore unlike the first time with Mia. They said they can discharge us tomorrow. I don't know how I feel about that. How am I to care for you at home when I'm in so much pain!

By the time we got into our new room, Mia  arrived with Shu Wen and Daniel. She met you for the first time. They stayed for a bit then left. Dad bathe you for the first time under the watch of a midwife. You certainly hate being cold! Poor boy. Dad and Mia hung around for a bit then they left.

That night was a nightmare.

You couldn't settle. Fussing all night long. It was horrible. I didn't sleep all night and my milk hasn't come in so I'm hoping you were getting colostrum.

Morning came and a lovely photographer came took some n pictures of you as well. Midwife came in later and said she'd like to check you for jaundice. She whisked you away. Dad and Mia arrived. Then she came back with bad news. Your bilirubin level was 387. Very high. Then Dad reminded me this happened with Mia too. Bad night, and jaundice. They sent you into Neonatal Special Unit. We went to visit. We can't hold you. You stayed for the entire day. And you were given formula since my milk hasn't come in. Meanwhile, I express every 3 hourly. Including in the middle of the night. Even though nothing came out. Not even colostrum. After the visit, Dad Mia and I went to the cafeteria to chat and have a snack.

They stayed til 7pm and left. 730pm Karen and Suzanne came with flowers. They couldn't see you. I continued expressing.

Dad came to send Mia over while he left for work. Midwife came in and said they'd like me to go to the unit to try breastfeed again. My boobs do feel heavy and engorged by this time. So we went along with Mia. I hope you were getting some milk in.

Later in the day they said you can come up to us in the incubator. Met Annie the midwife and she showed me how to latch and breastfeed. She's pretty set in her own ways. I haven't had bowel movements so she talked me into walking and showed me around the corridor. By today I am expressing and you were getting top ups with formula. They really want you to poop n pee to get things out of your system. When Dad arrived, I showered.

Dad and Mia left for the night.

By middle of the night I was exhausted. You wouldn't settle on your back in the incubator. You only like it when you're on your tummy. I was up and down the bed with you and by 4am I was in tears. The midwife came and helped. She took you away so I could get some sleep.

Annie came in the morning, my head felt like it has been hit by a rock. Annie showed me where I could get formula etc then said I looked pale. Dad and Mia came. Annie said Mia was not allowed to stay without another adult's supervision so Dad stayed and took the day off. After your morning feed, Annie told me to sleep. Slept til 11am. Felt much better.

She said she has to give me enema. Within 15mins I went to have my first bowel movement. I was also told to drink like a fish. She also took out my stitches.

Chui Teng, Kylie and Taylor came later in the day. They couldn't hold you.

Dad and Mia left later for the night. You settled much better on your tummy. I still breastfeed, top up with formula while expressing as well even with not much milk.

Middle of the night, midwife took almost an hour to come. On hindsight I think it is their way of indirectly telling me to get out of the room and get the formula on my own. Thing is, the baby formula room is locked. I didn't appreciate their way of doing this. If they had been honest and said to me straight to my face, would've been better than playing games like these.

By morning, Dad came to drop off Mia again. I managed to get Leslie pick her up and to babysit her. The nurse came in. A much senior nurse which later I remember her being in the operating theatre with me. She said "Annie said you were keen to go home.." I never said that! So she said we can go today but we have to come back the next day at 3pm to draw blood from baby and check his bilirubin level again. Or stay the night and they can come in the morning to check it. I said I have to discuss with my husband who will only be here by 4 or 5pm. Which I thought might as well stay the night. Save a trip coming back in!

Later when Dad arrived, a new midwife came in and asked what we'd like to do. I explained. Later we decided to go home. Then the new midwife came back again and said "They'd like you to go.." Fine, we're going anyway. We packed and they got us sorted.

Nurse came in again and showed us our delivery notes. Including that you were "oblique". It was an oblique delivery!

All in all, if I were to do this again, I'd opt for Burnside Hospital just for their drugs. Midwives at WCH during delivery and birth were all supportive and lovely. Postnatal is a different story. But all in all.. we have you now. And that is all that matters 😊

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