Saturday, July 9, 2016

The Big Day

4:10am Saturday 9th July

Came in last night for an induction at 6.30pm. Midwife Kylie asked few questions, bit of history etc. I was so nervous about the Folley balloon induction and wasn't shy letting them know either.

Did the ctg scan to monitor your heart rate and my contractions. When the time came, another midwife, Vanessa she checked the position of baby and you were not easy. They couldn't tell so they had to call in the doctor to do a quick scan. Your head was down but tilted a little to the side, not horizontal as they'd like. But all good. Went ahead with the induction. Vanessa and a doctor administered and because they recognize how nervous and worried I was, they decided to let me have "laughing gas" as pain relief. Phew!! Took it straight away!

9.30pm It was painful.
But the gas helped immensely. I felt pressure and numb pains but bearable. She did an internal check first, not dilating at all and cervix still high. Then came tye speculum and I breathed into the gas as deep as I can! Inserted the tube into the cervix then blew it up with saline. Now that part hurts. Even with gas.

Then when all is done, the crampings started straight up! Beared it for almost an hour before the night shift midwife Toni came in and offered Panadol or Nurofen or something like that.

Went toilet to pee and did number 2. Dad went home around 11pm. Tried to sleep. With the pain relief, managed to fall asleep with contractions in between until 2.30am. Then on and off til 4am when Toni came to check blood pressure, temperature, baby's heartbeat.

Now I asked for more pain relief and swallowed 2 pills. Contractions are lesser but still nauseous. As I finished typing that, went straight to the sink and threw up!

Going to try get some sleep again now. Update soon!

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