Saturday, March 5, 2016

20.4 weeks and it's a gender ultrasound!

Feb 26th, Friday.
I always had a close to 70% certainty that we wouldn't be able to know if you'd be a boy or a girl. With your sister, it took scans after scans to find out. Not til we went to a 3D scan and paid extra that we finally knew we're having a girl.

Yes we want to know. No surprises here. And this 19.3wks growth ultrasound which took up to close 1.5hrs, we saw 3 times your boy bits. First the umbilical cord was nicely tucked in between your legs. The sonographer said she thinks she could be some boy bits but not entirely certain. Then after few measurements of other limbs and organs, we caught a full view. 3 times. She's absolutely positive. And we are so thrilled. How can we not be? We have a pair - a girl and a boy now!

I think your dad is more excited than he shows. He can't wait til you arrive and do all boy stuff with you. And neither can I :) Your sister was a little disappointed tho. She thought she'd have a sister. But we talked more abt it. I think she'll be fine.

So now I feel very blessed being able to experience parenting both gender. I didn't think I'd be lucky. Now let's go find everything in blue! :)

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